Animo (the Spanish word for support, encouragement, enthusiasm) refers to the spirit that drives a persons actions, or for our purposes, the consciousness behind the exercises. At Ánimo Pilates, we keep in mind the enthusiasm, encouragement, hope and intention, that made working with Joseph H. Pilates a motivational experience. Romana Krysanowska is one of the original teachers who was given the mandate by Mr. Pilates to create a curriculum that would train people to become Pilates Instructors. Romana based it on the hand written notes given to her by Mr. Pilates and the memories she experienced of what it felt and looked like to be in the room while Mr. & Mrs. Pilates taught their method in the late 1920's. When Romana taught, she would reassure us with the instruction to just "put some guts", into it. Some exercises were hard but with these words, and other inspiring phrases, our strength, flexibility and control increased, along with our health. As Mr. Pilates said many years ago, the "method develops the body uniformly, corrects posture, restores vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit." We, at Animo Pilates, hope to pass on this "workout" experience that will ultimately deliver health and happiness.