Back to the studio

Back to the studio

You are probably thinking, my first lesson in the studio? Why everything is working out well on Zoom.

For most of you, the answer is, no…but thank you. For some of you, it is maybe, because we will be cleaning our equipment and wearing a mask. For others, it will be I want to start at my next lesson.

Yes, it will take some getting used too. The steps and cares I have put into practice, are based on how Romana would want me to care for the immediate needs of your minds and bodies. She said, “Give them what they need. Give them a safe and strong workout.”

So, I will be talking to you individually but come back to this page for the latest Romana’s Pilates International, City of Austin, Travis County, State of Texas, and NIS COVID-19 information. Here is where I will post items and actions to keep our body's and our studio safe.

Here is an outline of what to expect when you come in…

  1. Remain in your car until a couple of minutes before your workout (leave your change of clothes, purse, phone, wallet locked in the car)

  2. Car key, socks (washed & unworn) towel & water bottle allowed in the studio

  3. Wash hands in the lobby bathroom

  4. Have a seat and put on your socks

  5. Place shoes and keys in a cubby

  6. Wipe down your Reformer

  7. Begin your workout

  8. Clean the used equipment when done with your workout